With whom do you spend most of your time Are any of these people already where you want to be Are any of them taking steps to get there, if they aren't already thereWhy is this importantWhat types of things do you spend you time discussing with people Do you talk about ways to improve yourself Do you talk about the ways you are experimenting to learn something newIf you're like most people, you're talking about the economy--and how it stinks Nike Zoom Kobe. You're not talking about how you can benefit from the economic downturn.
(For example, many things are cheaper--a lot cheaper air jordan 9.)Are you spending a lot of time talking about sports Yeah, they're fun.
I know far too much about too many sports air jordan 13. I've noticed that games that seemed really important five (5) years ago don't seem to be nearly as important today.
Yesterday's stories have been replaced by today's lebron basketball shoes .So what happened to that time that I spent discussing and thinking about that game years agojThat's right.
It's gone. That time passed without me building anything for myself to make me better.Do the people in your group make you feel better about yourself If so, how Do you get to laugh at other people's expense, or do they help you understand yourself better. Do they make you realize what a loser you are, or do they make you see good things about yourself that you had trouble seeing on your ownI'm not suggesting that you ditch all of your friends. I'm just simply suggesting that you evaluate whether you want to include some people who make you feel good--for the right reasons.Successful people are finding people to teach. They also find people to teach them. They also find peers to learn beside them.
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